Produce more predictable returns.
Benefit from stock movements without owning the stock.
Leverage your portfolio.
Hedge your portfolio.
Manage ‘entry’ and ‘exit’ points into stocks.
Diversify your portfolio to reduce risk.
Protect your portfolio from event driven risk.
Potentially make money in ALL market conditions, regardless of direction.
Increase income from your portfolio.
Every investor is unique to us at Gate. Everyone has a different set of circumstances and risk profiles that need to be understood and discussed before any investment strategy is initiated. We at Gate understand this and discuss with every client her/his needs on a case-by-case basis; tailoring a strategy that works for that investor. The document link (“Understanding Options”) provides more details with regard to Options and their use as an investment tool.
If you would like to talk to one of our investment team, please feel to get into contact with us about your investments. We can tailor a strategy that works for YOU.
Gate Capital believe 'Options’ are a vital tool in any investor’s armoury when used correctly. There are limitless ways of introducing them into your investments to make your money work harder and more efficiently for you. As with any tool and asset class care should be taken as to their use.